"Hi Kathy,I'm also very worry about the album photography designs. So, last week I went to just married and they've showed me a lot designs.
I also asked about yours' designs, they told me that you have draw out by yourselve right? They also told me that you have additional extra printing the photography. You total have 16 stories right? I feel very suppricing because since you said you didn't like the photography then how come you additional extra photography?
I feel that your designs are more like normal fashion magazine designs not like wedding photography designs? Maybe you more prefer the square designs because I saw all your photography in square frame just like "bak, bak ,bak" the photography in your album also! But for me, I more prefer the designer profile because he's designs not only the square designs only. That is what I more prefer!"
What is this girl trying to say?!? First of all, I'm putting this in my blog because I suspect this is not a normal bride-to-be in MB. I checked her profile, she only post in JM thread and no other thread. Even if I'm wrong, I still wanna bring this up coz her words is sensetively treatening! AND insulting! ME and all the people who are HELPING me in my wedding album preparation such as: JM photographer - Alvin, who took very nice ps for me; JM designers - I dunno who do my album but so far, I talked to Storm and find tht he is a tolarate person and lastly, my SA - ahYee, eventhough sometimes, I know she finds me difficult to layan and thoguth her service is not good but still she do her job...AND WHO THE H*LL YOU THINK YOU ARE!!I also asked about yours' designs, they told me that you have draw out by yourselve right? They also told me that you have additional extra printing the photography. You total have 16 stories right? I feel very suppricing because since you said you didn't like the photography then how come you additional extra photography?
I feel that your designs are more like normal fashion magazine designs not like wedding photography designs? Maybe you more prefer the square designs because I saw all your photography in square frame just like "bak, bak ,bak" the photography in your album also! But for me, I more prefer the designer profile because he's designs not only the square designs only. That is what I more prefer!"
I discuss with other bride friends and found out ALOT OF SUSPECTS! How come SHE got the privilage to view other's demo!? How come SHE know so many details about me n my SA conversations!? How come SHE sound so jealous because I added more poses to 16 stories?! How come SHE is so protective with the so-called 'designer profile'?! And what is wrong if I add stories?!?! WHAT IS SHE TALKING BOUT!?!
So this is my reply:"Hi FuiFui,In my previous post, I never complain bout the photography, only complain bout the demo. Wht is the 'additional extra printing'? Did you mean add poses? Yes, I like most of the pictures tht PG Alvin took for me...so I add poses But, our 1st demo turn out not really as what I expected...
Regarding the design you saw, I dunno which design they showed you..(1st one or admended one?) But anyhow, I have to admid that our album layout designs are not those 'super beautiful - award-winning' ones...wht i geram and not satisfied is: most of the time, they give excuses and explanations that are not clear and not very reasonable and all these will lead us to the 'anger' point (coz we dunno how things work, we r in the 'blur-zone' and need patience explainations).
Different ppl have their own preferences...infact, I saw my 2nd demo already and they did a nice job. So Fuifui, hav you seen ur demo? When is ur AD? I sincerely hope that you are happy with it. *All brides Rock!*"
So far, SHE didn't reply. But ...
"Maybe is their own staff!" one of my bride friend said.
I HOPE THIS IS NOT THE TRUTH!! Why did SHE wanna do that?! INTENTION TO RUIN your customer who are ACTUALLY PAYING YOU?! ANNOY YOUR OWN CUSTOMER?! Spoil or cause DISASTER to your own customer's wedding happiness?! Most of all, DID SHE EVEN KNOW WHT SHE's SAYING?! Becoz of stupid things like this, SHE'll cause trouble to herself and her company!... y?Y?YY?
"Maybe they saw your angry post wanna take revange!" HUH? WHT!?!
Revange on customer's complain!? HELLOooo!! There are SO MANY COMPLAINS out there bout PROBLEM ISSUES in EVERY SINGLE Bridal House's: ABOUT THEIR LOUSY SERVICE, CHEATING AND STAFF'S BAD ATTITUDE....That are x100 times WICKED and CRUISED then my post! Why does SHE just pick on 'the-no-body-know-who-am-i' kathyfoo?! Wht's her problem?
So I added another reply:"Hi Fuifui,Every customer have their own story to tell. I am amazed: how come you are able to know so much details conversation between me and JM staff?
Is your SA Ah Yee also? or you are JM's employee?
I never mention my profession in my blog or even in any of my post ler....strange that u can even bring up the demo tht JM did for us and compare with some 'normal magazine fashion designs'?? You sure u r talking the right person??
I believe every BS has their own designer profile that is good selling point for their client...and Fuifui, is actually good for them to know, you like their designer profile...so you can get your album ontime or even faster :)"
In this reply, I'm still cool with HER and told her that SHE has made a good choice by using the BS's designer profile...BUT I still wanna ask...."MISS AR, what is your problem? Maybe can tell us your stories and all of us brides in MB can help you!"
***Now, I know... out here, other then me, there are MORE ANGRY and WICKED customers that had sign-up to the same bridal house as me. Good luck to you, FuiFui and Good luck to you - JM coz need to handle MORE 'CHALLENGING' customer then me...GOOD LUCK!!***
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